Welcome to Art!
In Art Class, students get to explore various visual arts media and techniques to create a variety of projects throughout the school year. Art Class will introduce students to a variety of art genres, movements, and artists, both historical and contemporary. Studio practice is an important part of our learning, as students learn how to care for materials and artwork.
Washington State Arts Learning Standards (WASALS)
Seattle Public Schools has adopted the Washington State Arts Learning Standards (WASALS), which are organized into four domains, or artistic processes. In visual arts, we focus particularly on Creating, Responding, and Connecting.
International Education & Art
We often explore art through an international lens, exploring the intersections of personal expression, creativity, and global citizenship. In art class, we often use art as a tool to process what is going on in the world around us, and to speak up about the issues we care about. From identity self-portraits, to art activism and community installations, our projects often align with McDonald’s International Education Standards.

Black Lives Matter Year of Purpose
This year our school is participating in the Black Lives Matter Year of Purpose. Each month the community will explore different guiding principles of BLM. We will be exploring these principles in the art studio too.

Perseverance & Growth Mindset
“We don’t make mistakes. We have happy accidents.” ~ Bob Ross
Growth mindset and perseverance are two of the 21st century skills that we really emphasize in the art studio. With a growth mindset, we know that mistakes and challenges are good things because they are an important part of our learning processes. Art is for everyone and we can build our skills through passion and practice. Art class is about having fun, exploring materials and being creative. We are always working hard to develop a positive attitude and growth mindset towards the art-making process. We celebrate every happy little accident and “beautiful oops.” The goal is for students to love and enjoy art as a joyful and meaningful part of our culture and community.

Meet the Art Teacher
Hello! I’m Ms. Nicole, the art teacher at McDonald International. I get to be surrounded daily by my favorites interests: art and teaching!
In 2006, I earned a Bachelor of Fine Art degree and began my career as a photographer. Between working with children as a photographer and raising my two boys, I decided I would love to work with students full time. In 2022, I graduated with my Master of Education in Literacy. I love this job and feel so lucky I get to pursue my love of art and teaching simultaneously! My other life interests are: cooking, playing board games with my family, watching movies, visiting art museums, and enjoying nature.
Families are always welcome to email me at
The best way to know what’s going on in art class is to set up your family’s Artsonia account. Artsonia is an online portfolio system that I use to archive and assess student work. It is also a fantastic fundraiser. The site allows you to share your child’s artwork with other family members so they can view and comment on art projects, even from across the globe. Student names and information are kept confidential to the public. You can also purchase merchandise featuring your child’s artwork. These items make great gifts and Artsonia offers a wide selection, from t-shirts and mugs, to quilts and phone cases. The best part is that 20% of your purchase goes towards our art program!
Q: Do you need parent volunteers?
Yes! I love parent volunteers! Help and involvement are always appreciated. All volunteers must fill out the appropriate paperwork with the office before volunteering in the art studio. When you become an approved volunteer, please contact me at