Classroom Teams
Classroom Teams at McDonald
Children at McDonald International School spend half of their day with their immersion language teacher and half the day with their English Language Arts teacher. All teachers teaching two grade levels will teach one grade level in the morning and one in the afternoon. We do not have split classes (two grade levels in the same class at the same time).
McDonald Classroom and Support teams for 2023-2024
*IA = Instructional Assistant
*ELA = English Language Arts
*LAP = Learning Assistance Program
Kindergarten Spanish (Sp) Maestro Daniel (IA Maestra Enedina)
Kindergarten ELA (Spanish) Mr. Nate
K/1 Japanese Michiko sensei (IA Yuko sensei)
K/1 ELA (Japanese) Jenny Holm
1st Grade Spanish Senorita Marylynn (IA Profe Mayra)
1st Grade ELA (Spanish) Ms. Rachel
2nd Grade Japanese Reiko sensei
2nd Grade ELA (Japanese) Ms. Martinez
2nd Grade Spanish Maestra Walteros
2nd Grade ELA (Spanish) Ms. Bernard
3rd Grade Japanese Reiko Sensei
3rd Grade ELA (Japanese) Ms. Martinez
3rd Grade Spanish Maestra Klaassen
3rd Grade ELA (Spanish) Ms. Luke
4th Grade Spanish Senorita Kelli
5th Grade Spanish Profe Diana
4 Grade Japanese Yumiko Sensei
5th Japanese Immersion Miwa Sensei
4/5th Grade ELA Ms. Oakley
4/5th Grade ELA Andy
4/5th Grade ELA Ms. Kathleen
4/5th Grade ELA Ms. Elizabeth
Enrichment and Services
Counselor Ms. Katie
Librarian Ms. Finnegan
Music Ms. Pollema
Instrumental Music Ms. Genrich
Art Ms. Rule
Physical Education Ms. Fleck
Special Education (SpEd) Ms. Tangen
Special Education IA Alex Paltrineri
Multilingual Learner Teacher Ms. Pret
Multilingual Learner Teacher/LAP Ms. Rule
Multilingual Learner IA Ms. Marta
Multilingual Learner IA Ms. Chappel
Multilingual Learner IA Ms. Roque Weda
School Nurse Nurse Amanda
Speech Therapist Ms. Chebeleu
Psychologist Hema Thomas
OT Sharon Groves
Administrative Team
Principal Mrs. Facilla
Admin Secretary Ms. Poff
Assistant Secretary Mr. Michael
Custodian – Day John Mangune
Custodian – Evening Ketsana Keomanivanh