McDonald International Elementary

McDonald International
Student Family Portal

Global Reading Challenge 2024

Globla Reading Challenge Logo

4th & 5th Graders the GRC is Coming Soon!

We are so excited to bring on another year of Global Reading Challenge! This year we are back to in-person events. So our in-school event will be held with all teams at McDonald. The winning team will participate in a semi-final event at the Downtown Seattle Central Branch.

So what is Global Reading Challenge?

The Global Reading Challenge (GRC) is a collaborative effort between The Seattle Public Library (SPL) and Seattle Public Schools (SPS). Its purpose is to:

  • Promotes a love of reading
  • Introduces kids to diverse viewpoints
  • Helps kids retain more of what they read
  • Fosters group activities and teamwork

How it works

Every year, 4th and 5th graders from SPS can participate in this fun, team-reading challenge.

  • During the week of November 6 students learned about the Global Reading Challenge and this year’s 8 books. During this time students had the opportunity to sign up. The ELA teachers will work together to create teams of up to 7 readers.
  • Between now and January 29th, teams will meet, choose a name, and decide who will read/listen to what books. Team members will read/listen to two or more books to become an experts.
  • In February teams will participate in a trivia-style competition against other McDonald teams. We are so excited to have this happen again in the McDonald gym.
  • The winner of our McDonald event will participate in a Semi-finals event with other SPS school finalists.

Last Year’s 2023 Global Reading Challenge Books!

The 2023 global reading challenge books arrange on the table. They include The legend of Auntie Po, Spirit Hunters Island of the Monsters, Stef Soto Taco Queen, JD and the Great Barber Battle, Rabbit Chase, Planet Omar Trouble Magnet, Power Forward, and Amari and the Night Brothers.

Access to books

  • Each team will have a set of books from the McDonald library.
  • SPL branches have access to books.
  • There is an always available digital collection available, including audio books that kids can access through Libby or through Sora, using their LibraryLink​ accounts. The audiobooks will be unlimited download.
  • Access to ebooks and audio books.

Virtual Author Events Are Coming

The Seattle Library has amazing opportunities for students to participate in virtual author talks.

Like last year, the goal is to feature a GRC author approximately every other week during November December, and January. If a class isn’t able to participate during the live event there will be access to a recorded the session. Access to the recording will be available through my Library Clever Page.