McDonald International Elementary

McDonald International
McDonald International Elementary School


Academics offered at McDonald Elementary

English Language Arts (ELA)

At McDonald International we use the Seattle Public School adopted Center for Collaborative Classroom (CCC) curriculum for English Language Arts.  The program is comprehensive incorporating reading, writing, phonemic awareness, spelling, and vocabulary.  For more information, please go directly to the CCC website.


McDonald International teaches to the Common Core and State Standards in math using Math in Focus and other resources.  The math team uses the Spanish version of Math in Focus in our Spanish Immersion classes.  Our Japanese immersion staff adapted a math curriculum similar to Math in Focus, but adapted from a number of Japanese sources and translated from English Math curricula.  For more information on MIF, please go directly to the Math in Focus Website. 


At McDonald International, we follow the Seattle Public School District Science Curriculum after translating the material into Spanish and Japanese.  For details, please go to the SPS Science Webpage

Grade Level Curriculum

The intention of curriculum maps is to offer an idea of what might be taught during the school year. These maps are usually passed out during Curriculum Night in September or October.  The actual content will be subject to change at any given time.  For the most up-to-date information, please contact the teachers directly.  

Generally speaking for each grade, students will be taught:

  • Reading: fiction and non-fiction  
  • Writing: narrative, persuasive/opinion, and information
  • Social Studies: as determined by Washington State OSPI